Release notes 12/13/2023

A new update has been provided, in which we focused on several improvements within the system: 

Packages and modules:

We have implemented a feature that makes it easier to manage the number of your accounts and projects. A limit will be set to the amount of live projects and usertypes that matches the contractual agreement.
If you try to add or import more users or projects than agreed upon, you will receive a notice in which it is explained why you cannot do so. This way there will be no surprises later on, if you accidentally use more resources than you mean to.
If you do need more projects or users of a particular type, please contact our support department and we'll take the necessary steps to hook you up!

Automatic archiving and deletion:

This powerful feature helps you streamline and clean up your overview in the sources and database sections of our Data Garden menu, all widgets in our Research menu, including the Scheduler widgets and all widgets in the Dashboard and Report sections of the Reporting menu.

As soon as a widget is turned to inactive by turning the switch in the top right corner of the widget, the widget will receive a "deactivated on" date, as can be inspected by hoovering over the i-icon of the widget in the bottom right corner. As soon as a widget has been inactive for 180 consecutive days, counting from that deactivated on date, the widget will automatically be put into the archive of its particular section. All active administrator-type users will be informed of the event by means of a message in their notifications.

A widget that is activated has no "deactivated on" date

When a widget is archived, either manually or by automated archiving, it will get marked with an "archived on" date, which can be inspected via tooltip when hoovering over the archived widget. When a widget has been in archive for 90 consecutive days, the widget and all of its underlying content will be permanently deleted.

A widget that is in archive can be manually restored to the general overview screen, upon which the deactivated on date will be reset.
A widget that has been deleted cannot be restored.