You will find your Question Settings on the right hand slider within your questionnaire builder. It will consist of some specific settings that are related to your question page. In this article we will explain the different options that you can encounter in the Question settings:


Active (show to respondent)

Setting type: Switch

Default setting: On

Functionality: Turning this switch on shows the current question to the respondent. Turning it off hides it from the respondent’s view.

Relevant for question types: Single Response, Multi Response,  X-Point Scale, Comment box, Media upload or recording, Single Response Matrix, Multi Response Matrix, Input Form Page, Root Cause Analyses, NPS, CES, CSAT, EPS, Image Checklist, Conditions Checklist

N/A option

Setting Type: Switch

Default setting: Off

Functionality: Activating this switch offers an n/a option that may be checked by the respondent

Relevant for question types: Single Response, Multi Response,  X-Point Scale, Comment box, Media upload or recording, Single Response Matrix, Multi Response Matrix, Input Form Page, Root Cause Analyses, NPS, CES, CSAT, EPS, Image Checklist, Conditions Checklist

Required to fill

Setting Type: Switch

Default setting: Off

Functionality: Turning this switch on shows the “next” button to the respondent. Turning this switch off hides the next button from the client

Relevant for question types: Single Response, Multi Response,  X-Point Scale, Comment box, Media upload or recording, Single Response Matrix, Multi Response Matrix, Input Form Page, Root Cause Analyses, NPS, CES, CSAT, EPS, Image Checklist, Conditions Checklist

Randomize answers

Setting Type: Switch

Default Setting: Off

Functionality: Activating this switch will show the answer options in a randomized order for each separate respondent

Relevant for question types: Single Response, Multi Response, Single Response Matrix, Multi Response Matrix, Root Cause Analyses

Create other category

Setting Type: Switch

Default Setting: Off

Functionality: This option adds an "other" category with free tekst that the respondent may check

Relevant for question types: Single Response, Multi Response, Single Response Matrix, Multi Response Matrix, Root Cause Analyses, Input Form

Note: When the respondent clicks this answer category, a textbox will appear in which the respondent may type the answer

Minimum number of categories to click 

Setting Type: Number

Default Setting: Empty

Functionality: This sets a minimum amount of options that need be checked by the respondent

Relevant for question types: Multi Response, Multi Response Matrix

Note: The amount set influences the entire page

Maximum number of categories to click

Setting Type: Number

Default Setting: Empty

Functionality: This sets a maximum amount of options that need to be checked by the respondent

Relevant for question types: Multi Response, Multi Response Matrix

Note: The amount set influences the entire page

Minimum number of characters

Setting Type: Number

Default Setting: Empty

Functionality: The answer as entered by the respondent must consist of at least x characters

Relevant for question types: Comment box, Input Form, Image Checklist, Conditions Checklist

Note: The respondent will see a counter, showing the amount of characters that have been entered so far

Maximum number of characters

Setting Type: Number

Default Setting: Empty

Functionality: The answer as entered by the respondent may only contain x characters

Relevant for question types: Comment box, Input Form, Image Checklist, Conditions Checklist

Note: The respondent will see a counter, showing the amount of characters that have been entered so far

Minimum Scale Number

Setting Type: Number

Default setting: 1

Functionality: This option creates a slider for the respondent of which the lowest value is x

Relevant for question types: X-point Scale, Input Form

Maximum Scale Number

Setting Type: Number

Default setting: 10

Functionality: This option creates a slider for the respondent of which the highest value is x

Relevant for question types: X-point Scale, Input Form


Setting Type: Switch

Default setting: Off

Functionality: This switch toggles between a box view or slider view for the respondent in the scale question

Relevant for quesiton type: X-Point Scale

Allowed methods

Setting Type: List

Default setting: Photo, Video and Picture settings off

Functionality: This option sets the answer types a respondent is allowed to use in answering this question

Relevant for question types: Media, Input Form

Seconds maximum recording

Setting Type: Number

Default setting: 20

Functionality: This sets the maximum amount of seconds an audio or video recording may take

Relevant for question type: Media, Input Form

Note: The maximum amount of recording is 60


Setting Type: Number

Default setting: 0

Functionality: This determines the amount of digits behind the comma the respondent can enter

Relevant for: Input Form


Setting Type: Switch

Default setting: On, with default colors

Functionality: This function lets you set the colors of the values within the scale as shown to the respondent

Relevant for: KPI pages


Setting Type: List

Default setting: Plain

Functionality: This function lets you set the type of value that is shown to the respondent (plain, temperature, currency, etc.)

Relevant for: Input form


Setting Type: LIst

Default setting: Empty

Functionality: This function determines the currency the respondent answers in

Relevant for: Input Form


Setting Type: List

Default setting: Empty

Functionality: This function determines if the respondent answers in Celcius or in Fahrenheit

Relevant for: Input Form