In this article we will learn about the columns in the data garden.

Definitions are the headers of the columns that are added for every project in the data garden. They form the structure of your database. Their importance will be understood only when the user starts importing data files.

Without creating columns, the import file cannot function. That is why column definition plays a key role in importing data files.

The above page will appear once you have created definitions.

If you want to add new columns to the import then you must click on the plus icon and the information below pops up on the page.

Every column will have these options/buttons namely:

  • Column ID (fixed) which will be automatically generated.
  • Header name
  • Active on and off switch.
  • Risk level option
  • Save button

The mandatory options to be filled out are marked with an asterisk. Every column you add here adds up to the structure for the Database.

After a first file import, columns can only be added manually by clicking on the plus icon which is found on the left corner of the page.

Only when you import columns under the definitions tab, will you be able to import data for those columns created.

For instance: if the columns created are for First Name, Last Name and Email, the data will be automatically entered in the next row under the specific column when the file import is executed. Therefore, definitions go hand in hand with a file import.

The data imported can be ranked based on the risk level it contains like High risk/ Medium risk/ Low risk and the column can be saved.

Risk level is mandatory which is to be selected based on the data gravity it contains. Any personal data has its own risk level. So, it can be classified accordingly.