This article will inform you about the functionality of the scoring tab.

If you need reporting done on the answers your respondents provide you with, you will need variables that can be actually be calculated. Using the scoring tab allows you to add values to your questionnaire. These values represent scores from which scores can be derived for your reporting. 

The first step of the scoring is choosing the scoring unit, which can be either based on percentage and 10-point scale. Percentages are clear in a 100 scale. By using a 10-point scale you can add weight to your questions and award more points to the answers of a particular question if a question is more important than another. In the end all points will be recalculated to a value on a 10-point scale.

It is important to know that once you have chosen a scoring unit, it is not possible to change the unit of the project. Once you click in the button “save”, a pop-up message will appear asking for your confirmation.

Once you’ve saved the first step, a second one will appear automatically. This step is called scoring details, here you can see the list of pages created by you in your questionnaire.

When you open the tab of each page, you will see a space where you can fill in the score you would like to award to each answer option. After setting up your score, amount of total points will be filled in with the higher number of your score.

As an example in the image below you can see that the highest score that can be awarded by answering the question “I feel my work matters” is 10 and the minimum is 0, resulting in a total score of 10.

After awarding scoring amounts, the changes will be saved automatically.

Please note that a scoring is only relevant for the following pages:

  • Single response, single question
  • X-point scale and KPI (predefined scale)
  • Matrix page (single response)
  • Input form (single response)
  • Root cause
  • Image checklist
  • Condition checklist