This article explains the login steps in order to access your mobile app environment.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded the app. You, as a collaborator can now fill out forms and checklists and Perform audits that have been appointed to you. 

Logging into the app is done in two small steps:

When you click the app icon on your tablet or phone for the app, a screen will unfold asking you to state to enter the environment you wish to log into. To log into the correct environment, you need to enter the url of your portal here. This information will be saved and remembered, since most collaborators belong to just one environment. So when you log off, you will not have to enter it again every next time you'll log in.

Secondly, after you press "enter", you will be directed to the user login page. Here you can login as an existing user by manually entering your username and password or by using single sign on for a google or facebook account.

In case you forgot your password, please click the "forgot your password" button and enter your email address to receive a verification code with which you will be able to create a new one.

Also, if you change your mind and wish to enter a different portal, or do an alteration to the portal url, click the "close" button in the bottom left corner.

If you're completely satisfied with the data you entered, click "sign in" to enter your app environment.