The Net Promoter Score is a commonly used measurement for customer loyalty where you ask your customer how likely it is that they would recommend your product or service to their friends or family. The answer options run from 0 (= very unlikely) to 10 (= very likely).

On the basis of their given scores, respondents are divided into three groups: 

  • Detractors - the percentage of respondents who gave a score between 0 and 6
  • Passives - the percentage of respondents who gave a 7 or 8
  • Promoters - the percentage of respondents who gave a 9 or 10


For the Net Promoter Score calculation, you take the percentage of promoters and you deduct the percentage of detractors from them. The result is displayed as an absolute score, not as a percentage, and this score is between -100 and +100.


An example

You have conducted an NPS research and have 5000 responses to your NPS question. The responses can be categorized as follows:

  • 1800 out of 5000 (36%) have answered with a 9 or 10 (Promoters)
  • 2350 out of 5000 (47%) have answered with a 7 or 8 (Passives)
  • 850 out of 5000 (17%) have answered with a score between 0 and 6 (Detractors)

You now take the percentage of Promoters (36) and deduct the percentage of Detractors (17), which leads to the Net Promoter Score of 19.

Please note: this calculations is applied to the records that meet the requirements that you have set in your period selection, your filter selection and the default selection for available records for reporting.