The Customer Satisfaction Score is the main KPI of the Customer Satisfaction Research (CSAT): a measurement where you ask customers how satisfied they are with the service or product provided, based on a ten-point scale. 


For the Customer Satisfaction Score calculation, the average option is given.  The Average option will return the mean of the numbers. It is easy to calculate: add up all the scores given, and then divide it by the number of respondents. In other words it is the Sum divided by the Count.

An example

You have conducted the Customer Satisfaction Research with your customers and you have 1000 responses. 

They can be divided in the following groups:

  • 120 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 3

  • 130 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 5

  • 150 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 6

  • 115 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 7

  • 255 out of 1000 of the responses scored an 8

  • 140 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 9

  • 90 out of 1000 of the responses scored a 10

You now add up all the scores, in total 6915, and divided this by 1000. This leads to an average Customer Satisfaction Score of 6,9. 

Furthermore, in certain widgets the CSAT calculation automatically shows the percentage of respondents based on a their given scores. The respondents are divided into three groups:

  • Red - the percentage of respondents who gave a score between the 1 and 6

  • Blue - the percentage of respondents who gave a 7 or 8

  • Green - the percentage of respondents who gave a 9 or 10. 


Please note: this calculations is applied to the records that meet the requirements that you have set in your period selection, your filter selection and the default selection for available records for reporting.