CYS offers a great variety of options in setting up charts and graphs. All of these options can be managed through a single widget. 


Having so many options at your disposal may seem a bit daunting at first, but in fact you can set up any graph in making just 3 simple decisions. All the other options are extra’s that provide more depth and details over the same basic set-ups.

The three things you need to decide upon are:

Table of contents:

The View Type

The View Type is the shape of your chart. We have 4 options to choose from: the bar chart, the column chart, a horizontal table or a vertical table. In this article we focus on the first two.

The view type determines the orientation of your axes:

* When setting up a bar chart, the horizontal axis displays the value type (x-axis) and the vertical axis displays the category type (y-axis).

* When setting up a column chart, the horizontal axis displays the category type (x-axis) and the vertical axis displays the value type (y-axis).

The Value Type

The value type is the axis that indicates the hight of a certain result. It determines the outcome of a particular measurement. Basically, there’s just two flavors to choose from:

* Choose the Datapoint Calculation option if you want your chart to display the result of a calculation, for instance a NPS, sum or average.

* Choose the Variable option if you want your chart to display the distribution of different options within a variable, for instance the percentage of respondents that answered “yes” and how many answered “no” to a particular question.

The Category Type

The category type puts the result we discussed earlier into perspective. It determines the grounds for development or comparison of the score generated


* If you want to look at the development of a score over a certain period of time, you would choose the Periods category.

*If you want to compare a result over a certain background variable, for instance the CSAT between different locations, you would choose the Compare category

* If you want to compare the score or response over multiple questions or variables, you would choose the Datapoint Calculations or Multiple Variables category

Now you have your basic priorities decided, you can add even more color, customization and depth to your charts by using the other possibilities offered to you. We will cover them in different articles.

If you would like to see an Example of a column chart showing a comparison of the CES between different stores, please take a look at this article

If you would like to see an Example of a column chart showing a development of the NPS over time, please take a look at this article